Askar Duo narrowband filter with 6nm bandwidth for deep sky astrophotography
For all astrophotographers, filters are one of the essential accessories for obtaining perfect images of the deep sky. Nebula filters for deep sky photography can effectively eliminate the influence of background light and enhance the contrasts of your photos. The Deep Sky Duo Narrowband Filter Color Magic from Askar is designed specifically for astrophotography with modern cameras and is suitable for telescopes and photographic lenses.
The narrow bandwidth of 6nm allows you to capture high-quality deep-sky images even in the presence of significant light pollution or even moonlight. The contrast is significantly improved. The filter can be used with b&w/mono and color, DSLR and mirrorless cameras.
Additionally, the 6nm Color Magic Nebula Filter offers excellent halation control, which significantly reduces annoying halos and reflections around stars.
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