The Optolong L-eXtreme is a 7nm dual-bandpass filter that can be used with single-shot color cameras, such as DSLRs (digital single lens reflex cameras) and monochrome CCD cameras. It is also suitable for "fast" optical systems. The nature of this filter makes it possible to photograph emission nebulae even in skies with heavy light pollution. Optplong believes the L-eXtreme filter design would be a better choice for fast, competitively priced systems. The Optolong L-eXtreme filter isolates the emission lines of H-Alpha and OIII nebulae maximizing the contrast and signal-to-noise ratio between nebulae. ' the moon, the L-eXtreme is a great filter.
Unlike the L-eNhance filter, which is a three-band filter (transmits Hb, Ha and OIII), the L-eXtreme filter is a dual-band filter that allows the H-Alpha and OIII emission lines to pass.
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