Narrow band filters increase the contrast letting pass only a certain range of wavelengths of light corresponding to certain spectral lines, for example hydrogen (Ha, 656nm), oxygen (OIII, 501nm), sulfur (SII, 672nm) etc. Filters can always be used for photography, even when you see the Moon, or as a filter against pollution bright in the city. The duration of the exposure time is not important: long exposure photographs can also be taken.
OIII Filter : The narrow-band nebular filter lets light at 500 nanometers through. It is the line of twice ionized oxygen. Planetary nebulae and supernova remnants are of this color.
H-alpha filter : This narrow-band nebular filter passes red light with a length of 656 nanometers. It is the line where the HII zones (hydrogen nebulae) shine.
SII filter : The narrow-band filter lets light from ionized sulfur atoms pass at 672 nanometers. It is the line where many planetary nebulae, emission nebulae, and supernova remnants shine.
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